sestdiena, 2013. gada 19. oktobris


We did a great job! At least our opinions and emotions in social portals prove me that.
When im attending seminars like this, im usually not interested in making new friends - im going there to study, to learn something new etc but somehow it always happens. Im always leaving those countries with a little sad feeling that i might never meet them again and huge dose of hope that we will meet anyway and that we will be successful people in our working areas someday. And that is just something amazing. Im attending those events as a selfish fish, but leaving it all with worries and thoughts about all of us.
Im finally back home in Latvia and while im packing out those souvenirs for family from my luggage, im realizing how heavy baggage i took with me in my head. Now i know how useful and necessary social media is in business nowadays, i know that first three pages in business plan are the most important, that its very important to KISS (=keep it simple stupid), that England is amazingly beautiful country, that in every country there are powerful youngsters - potential businessman who know what they want be and do, that i need to remember - what i see is what i get.
And my way to seminar gave me possibility to visit Dublin, Ireland too.
I realized that im full time adventurist, that my characteristics are good enough to become a businessman one day, that i looove and enjoy rural areas in every single country and that my power is my family. Its not like i didnt know these things before but now i feel more sure about it all, i feel more confident.
Thank you, Prep Team, thank you participants - my new colleagues! What an unforgettable, irreplaceable and just awesome experience it was!
Greetings from very happy and very inspired Alma in Latvia. Its time to do something! (:

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