pirmdiena, 2013. gada 14. oktobris


Productive day is productive!
Still have some problems with university and LYFC events which are happening in Latvia this week, so all information together goes in my head approximately like this:

But - no, information here is not too much. At least not yet.
I wrote 5 A4 pages with notes today, remembered some of those Business plan points which i had forgotten since the last lecture in economics and at the end i realized how to use social media for my own business in the future or organization work now.
Now i know some simple system how to start and write the Business plan - i will use it pretty soon and im really happy that somebody reminded me how to do, and more important - the easiest way how to do it.
I realized how many things we need to change and improve in our organization, i have an idea that we need somebody who is taking care of our internet accounts and doing more serious work with social media.
Now i know that KISS means keep it simple stupid, but SWOT shows companies straightness, weakness, opportunities and threats (really didn't know it before).
Oh, and those 3F which are needed for successful entrepreneurship- family, friends and fools.
And at the end - "what you see is what you get!" or as Gareth educated me - it's WYSIWYG. Information bout how we use this therm nowadays: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYSIWYG (didn't know about it before too).
So - yeah - day was full of new, useful information. Now everybody is going to watch and take part in a folk dances and i think i can't miss it out.
(Btw, food is getting better and better every day. Im really glad about it!!) 

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