piektdiena, 2013. gada 18. oktobris


Another beautiful day in England!
We went to Worcester - of course i`ve never been there before so i tried to enjoy it fully. Dont know why but i was a bit tired all day long but anyway - weather loved us again just as much as we loved it and English houses are beautiful everywhere - it`s not important if it is in rural area or city.

After visiting that massive and very beautiful cathedral, i went to check out riverside in Worcester. Saw a loooaads of swans there: 

Day was great, people were happy, city was (and still is) beautiful. Im glad we were able to see it all. Happy alma is happy.
Then i met other participants from Latvia who represent Latvian 4H. Last hour or two we spent together. I didnt know them before this seminar, so another great thing about it - new contacts even in my own country. Im always happy to meet new faces. We didnt have that much time in Worcester so i tried to enjoy it fully - who knows when and if there will be next time to see that part of England.

Then we went back to venue where venue`s owner Nick and John Hardman from NFYFC and HOPS shared their stories, opinions and experiences. Two totally different people, but both interesting. I even wrote down some quotes, but i will check all my seminar notes only when i will be back home. It`s always great to know other people ways, how they got where they are now.
At the evening guys from WYFC entertained us. Was great. Now i know some more ice braking games and i found out that Ueli is an amazing dancer. Veeeery good night. (:

1 komentārs:

  1. So happy to hear that you enjoyed your last night in England. Guttered you had to leave early and miss the last night.
